CRA Helpdesk – State Rules
An Online Guide of State Laws Which Impact CRAs, Their Clients, and Hiring Managers

Written and kept up-to-date by one of the nation’s leading employment law attorneys, the State Rules Register is a unique online guide to state laws that impact CRAs (consumer reporting agencies) and their clients (hiring managers and property managers).

Compliance with a myriad of state laws requires constant attention to adhere to the continuous stream of ongoing changes mandated by state legislation. The State Rules Register is an easy-to–use resource that is written in "Plain English."

The State Rules Register describes state FCRA-type laws that affect Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs), hiring managers, and landlords:

  1. What public records can be reported by Consumer Reporting Agencies?
  2. What restrictions are placed by states on the use of record information by employers, landlords, and hiring managers?
  3. What special forms or specific language is required on CRA, employer, or tenant forms?

Compliance with the myriad of state laws is a challenging responsibility that affects all CRAs and their clients. The State Rules Register provides an ideal solution, by enumerating and describing individual state restrictions on CRAs and users, best practices and practical tips, and providing ongoing notification when state and federal laws change.

Easy to Use - Practical - Current

Quite simply, the Register is designed for those needing an uncomplicated explanation in plain English of what is reportable to the client, what is usable by the client, and what steps the client must take to be in compliance with state laws. Three Reports are available PLUS a series of Resource Tabs (mini-white papers), along with additional Special Guidelines and Instructions.

Research Reports Available
  1. Single State Report: Choose an individual state to view any and all restrictions placed on the CRA and the user. Each state display includes a clear explanation of any restrictions, exceptions, other detailed content, and useful state web pages.
  2. Multi-State Matrix Table: Create your own State Table by choosing up to 10 states to show the restriction category by CRA, user, or both.
  3. Restriction Matrix Table: 39 different restriction types are categorized. Choose the restriction(s) and create a report showing all the affected states.
Reference Topic Resource Tabs

Author Larry Henry, Esq. provides these easy-to-read summaries with practical instructions and best practice recommendations when implementing rules compliance for your company.

  • The Mandatory Restrictions Per the FCRA
  • Compliance with Investigative Consumer Reporting
  • The Question of Which State Law Applies?
  • FCRA Relationship to State Laws
  • Special Instructions for CA, MA, and NY
  • The Seven-Year States
  • About New York Article 23-A
  • About HUD and Section 8 Housing
  • FCRA Mandated Forms
  • EEOC Enforcement Guidance on Use of Criminal Records
  • Court Case Involving CRA's Duties Under §611
  • E-Verify: States that Require and/or Outlaw its Use
  • Municipality Restrictions Worthy of Note
Email Alerts Included

Statutory and regulatory changes are inevitable. All Register Users are immediately notified with an email Alert Message when a state passes a law that affects CRAs and their clientele.

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